Teaching new generations about generosity

Joe Voorhies’ first experience with The Navigators was through Bob Potter, who led a Sunday night Bible study and as a result of joining that study, Joe learned how to keep Christ at the center of his life. In 2007, Joe was talking with a friend who recommended using a Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) to provide income for himself and help fund ministries of his choice after his lifetime. Joe says of he and Karin’s decision to use a CRT, “Our biggest motivation in creating the CRT was to build a legacy and help our kids learn about generosity. So, I placed highly appreciated stock in the CRT which now supplements our Social Security with a regular payment.”
By placing the stock in the CRT, they avoided capital gains that would have been incurred in the sale of the stock. They also received a large deduction based on the fair market value of the stock, in the year that they placed the stock in the trust. Joe also shared that creating the trust has been the example they hoped to set for their kids and grandkids, teaching them about generosity. Joe welcomes questions about his decision—contact him by email.