Check out stories from Navigators, from all around the world, who are making an impact in their neighborhoods, military bases, college campuses, and workplaces. Learn how others, just like you, are making the advancement of the gospel of Jesus and His kingdom their personal legacy.

Kathy Merkel: An Unlikely Legacy Donor
Who is a legacy donor, and what do they look like? If you had a stereotype in mind – that would not be me. Financial and prayer support, attending one conference, and being a strong advocate for the Design for Discipleship studies is the extent of my personal involvement with The Navigators. I am an unlikely legacy donor, but so grateful that I am.
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My life has been deeply touched by rubbing shoulders with several staff members over the past 45 years: Warren and Ruth Myers, Bruce and Marg Van Wyk, and Mutua and Stephanie Mahiaini. Their intentional love and commitment to Jesus Christ, their life testimonies for the Gospel, have resonated deeply in my heart over the years. And I cannot forget the legacy staff team and their encouragement and prayer support in my life. Who am I that they should care so much? Each of these individuals reveal the true heart of Jesus, who opens His arms to all willing to come and receive Him as their Lord and Savior.
Somewhere over the course of my parents’ lives The Navigators crossed their path and made a lasting impression. At the time of their death, they requested that family and friends send a gift in their memory to The Navigators ministries.
To see men and women of any age, walk of life, and nationality faithfully discipled and increase in wisdom and knowledge of God’s Word motivates me. I am grateful to dedicate proceeds from my family estate through my will for The Navigators ministries.
Every legacy donation will be blessed by the hand of God. God has entrusted us with the financial blessings we have. Every gift, whether small or large, God will multiply. It is a privilege and honor to see individuals come to know and grow in Christ through giving. Please consider how God would have you bless The Navigators ministries through becoming a legacy donor.
Megan Fisher: What better gift can I leave?
In college, a Navigator who lived in my dorm asked if I wanted to read the Bible. I met weekly with a small group of women, and after a year of reading the Scriptures decided to devote my life to Jesus. I have been volunteering with The Navigators ever since.
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The Navigators have provided me with tools to explore the Bible and discover God, guidance and mentorship on how to live out my faith in my professional and personal life, and a steady support network of other believers all over the world.
Money is one of the most valuable resources God has given me. It enables so much of the wonderful work The Navigators do for the Kingdom of God. I love the idea of this money blessing God’s people after I’m gone. Just like discipleship, the work will continue long after I’m home with my King. What better gift can I leave the ones I love? Many people wait until later in life to sort out their affairs, but the gift planning team made it so easy, I think everyone should do it today!

A calling to give back: Steve Bryant
Steve was born and raised in Seattle. His mother, Jeanene, was a very strong Christian, and a prayer warrior “whose ministry was spent on her knees.”
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Steve was born and raised in Seattle. His mother, Jeanene, was a very strong Christian, and a prayer warrior “whose ministry was spent on her knees.” When Steve was a freshman at the University of Washington, a friend took him to a Navigator Bible study. He said, “After a few months, I realized that although I believed in God, I had never accepted Christ as both Savior and Lord. That year I gave my whole life to Christ and learned the importance of a daily quiet time, Bible study, Scripture memory, Life-to-Life® discipleship, and evangelism.”
Unexpectedly, his parents both died of undiagnosed cancer within eight months of each other and Steve received an inheritance from the sale of their home. Steve shared, “I felt led to honor God by giving away a portion of my inheritance for His glory and to advance His Kingdom. God spoke to me through Proverbs 3:9,10, a verse that I had memorized back in college.”
Shortly thereafter, he read about The Navigators Charitable Gift Annuity which allowed him to remember his mom while helping others to know Christ. The annuity enabled Steve to give back to the ministry that gave him his Christian foundation, while receiving an income tax deduction and fixed payments for his lifetime. “The fixed payments I am receiving are allowing me to further my passion, which is to provide funding for humanitarian aid and discipleship resources for children living in poverty in Latin America.”
Teaching new generations about generosity: Joe and Karin Voorhies
Joe Voorhies’ first experience with The Navigators was through Bob Potter, who led a Sunday night Bible study and as a result of joining that study, Joe learned how to keep Christ at the center of his life.
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Joe Voorhies’ first experience with The Navigators was through Bob Potter, who led a Sunday night Bible study and as a result of joining that study, Joe learned how to keep Christ at the center of his life. In 2007, Joe was talking with a friend who recommended using a Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) to provide income for himself and help fund ministries of his choice after his lifetime. Joe says of he and Karin’s decision to use a CRT, “Our biggest motivation in creating the CRT was to build a legacy and help our kids learn about generosity. So, I placed highly appreciated stock in the CRT which now supplements our Social Security with a regular payment.”
By placing the stock in the CRT, they avoided capital gains that would have been incurred in the sale of the stock. They also received a large deduction based on the fair market value of the stock, in the year that they placed the stock in the trust. Joe also shared that creating the trust has been the example they hoped to set for their kids and grandkids, teaching them about generosity. Joe welcomes questions about his decision—contact him by email.

“I felt led to honor God by giving away a portion of my inheritance for His glory and to advance His Kingdom. God spoke to me through Proverbs 3:9,10, a verse that I had memorized back in college.”
—Steve Bryant

Legacy Living: Mac and Mary McRobbie
Mac and Mary McRobbie lived in California and were longtime friends and supporters of The Navigators. Mac’s death preceded Mary’s by just five weeks.
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Mac and Mary McRobbie lived in California and were longtime friends and supporters of The Navigators. Mac’s death preceded Mary’s by just five weeks. Their hard working and generous spirits blessed many who came through their home. Through thoughtful legacy planning they cared for their family and also left a portion of their estate to a number of different ministries, including The Navigators. Meeting their four children and spouses, I was struck by their peace and joy, but most of all their deep sense of gratitude for the lives and legacy of Mac and Mary.
A legacy can be accomplished through intentional giving at death, but more significantly through living an intentional life. Mac and Mary’s children and grandchildren observed firsthand a faithful example of living for Jesus. As followers of Jesus they chose to live His words as quoted by Paul, “It is more blessed to give than receive” (Acts 20:35).
Three Times the Blessing: Dot and Sam Carswell
Dot and Sam Carswell met Navigators Staff, Bruce and Marg Van Wyk more than 25 years ago. Through the years, the Carswells generously supported the Van Wyk’s ministry, and become dear friends.
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Dot and Sam Carswell met Nav Staff, Bruce and Marg Van Wyk more than 25 years ago. Through the years, the Carswells generously supported the Van Wyk’s ministry, and become dear friends. Dot continued their partnership with the Van Wyks after Sam’s passing, and last spring called The Navigators inquiring about how to leave a bequest in her will for Bruce and Marg. When Dot contacted the Van Wyks to share they were included in her will, she learned they needed funds to accept an invitation from The Africa Navigators. They would be making regular trips to Africa to coach and encourage The Navigator teams. Blending the two issues, Dot decided to make the planned future bequest immediately by donating appreciated stock. Dot says she was blessed thrice: the joy of giving, no capital gains tax, and 100% charitable deduction the year of the gift. To God be the Glory.

Giving it All: Dave and Betsy
Dave and Betsy have chosen to give all of their money to charity! Dave noted, “I’ve had a successful career and my savings have grown nicely over the years. I feel that I’ve been tremendously blessed and I’d like to give back and help other people who have not been so fortunate.”
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Dave and Betsy have chosen to give all of their money to charity! Dave noted, “I’ve had a successful career and my savings have grown nicely over the years. I feel that I’ve been tremendously blessed and I’d like to give back and help other people who have not been so fortunate.” Dave and Betsy have chosen to give half of their wealth through a Charitable Trust and the rest through a Donor-Directed Fund, both great tools for donors. Dave says, “I enjoy giving to established nonprofits, like The Navigators, where they have an established ministry with people and programs in place to make a difference in the world.” Dave and Betsy’s journey of generosity has led them to both live and leave a legacy. One of Dave and Betsy’s passions has led them to work together for over 13 years building homes, and rebuilding schools in the Guatemala City garbage dump. They are experiencing joy in giving it all away to a prayerfully chosen group of non-profits, including The Navigators.
Giving Back: Quentin and Shari Morford
Over the years, Quentin and Shari Morford and family have benefitted greatly from The Navigators ministry, Glen Eyrie conference center and Eagle Lake Camps.
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By attending conferences and camps, their spiritual life and marriage grew closer to the Lord.
As part of their estate plan, the Morford’s wanted to give back to those ministries that had been a blessing to them and their children over the years. By donating a portion of their Traditional IRA’s they could increase their giving by avoiding paying taxes on the donated amount.

Dale and Brenda: God’s impact through The Navigators and Glen Eyrie
We both grew up in the church and drifted away. We met in Denver as we were coming back into the church. We realized we were not grounded in our faith. In our early married life a friend recommended we join a Bible Study, it was The Navigators 2:7.
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We both grew up in the church and drifted away. We met in Denver as we were coming back into the church. We realized we were not grounded in our faith. In our early married life a friend recommended we join a Bible Study, it was The Navigators 2:7. Through that study we were able to strengthen our walk with the Lord in Bible study, daily quiet time, Scripture memory and sharing our testimony. We were involved with this study for two years and in a mentoring relationship with Clyde & Marie, who were preparing for ministry with The Navigators. We would come down to the Glen for retreats.
Because of a study on Lordship and prayers, unknown to us, our minds were changed about having children. The Lord blessed us with a daughter who became a youth leader and married a Pastor. We went on to lead 2:7 groups at our church, and have continued to see the need for small groups over our 45 year marriage.
After retirement we moved to Colorado Springs and had the opportunity to become involved with Glen Eyrie on a volunteer basis. Brenda gives weekly Castle tours, we have been resident Castle hosts, and we have continued to volunteer for various events over the past few years. We have seen how the Lord has worked through the Castle and grounds and the effect it can have on guests. After spending time on the grounds, we could see the need for continued maintenance and upkeep. So we looked into the Legacy Gift program and selected the Sanny Fund for our future gift.
Our hope is that the Castle and grounds continue to be open to the public and to fulfill The Navigators motto, “To know Christ, make Him known, and help others do the same®.”
Joanne: We both came to Jesus
It was late summer 1971 when two Hippies and their son drove to Purdue University from California. We couldn’t get into the first showing of the movie Goodbye Columbus so we were waiting outside. A young couple, Cathy and Dave, stopped by and asked if they could talk with us about Christ in you.
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“It was late summer 1971 when two Hippies and their son drove to Purdue University from California. We couldn’t get into the first showing of the movie Goodbye Columbus so we were waiting outside. A young couple, Cathy and Dave, stopped by and asked if they could talk with us about Christ in you. I said yes because I had been raised in a Lutheran church. However, my husband Tom was not interested and started arguing so I made the excuse to walk our child around. The first time I walked by Tom was still arguing. The second time he was listening. The third time he was on his knees in the grass praying to receive Jesus. I saw his life change overnight. He read the book of Revelations that night and started preaching to me! I was the one who knew the Bible, hymns, church and of course knew about Jesus. The Navigators invited me to a weekend conference where we went out witnessing. That was new to me.
Around Thanksgiving we drove from Indiana to Memphis Tennessee to see friends or should I say we slide sideways on ice the whole way. I was terrified. Tom asked me a question, “Joanne why are you afraid to die? If you had Jesus in your heart you wouldn’t be afraid anymore.” Two weeks later I woke him up in the middle of the night and said,”Tom! You have to pray with me! I have Jesus in my head, but not my heart.” I made Jesus Lord of my heart and have never been afraid to die since. 50 years later I still love Jesus and Cathy and Dave have been on NavStaff all these years and are serving in Georgia. Thank you Navigators for being an enormous part of my life.”

Robert: A Life-Changing Dinner
I met Fred at a dinner with a group from the church we both were attending. He said he was a Navigator, which I knew nothing about. I was a committed Christian and church-goer, and had attended a few Bible studies. I had shared my faith with a few others, but without much success in reaching people for Christ.
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“I met Fred at a dinner with a group from the church we both were attending. He said he was a Navigator, which I knew nothing about. I was a committed Christian and church-goer, and had attended a few Bible studies. I had shared my faith with a few others, but without much success in reaching people for Christ.
At the dinner, Fred and I agreed to connect one on one to talk further. We met several times, and he offered to show me how to lead a Bible study. I took him up on the offer, we each invited a couple of other guys and began a friendship that has lasted for years. Fred has prayed with me through serious illnesses and the death of my wife and I am incredibly grateful for his friendship.
Fred’s guidance has allowed me to host several different Bible studies that have in turn spawned other Bible studies led by those who were part of the groups I started.
In Fred, I gained an extraordinary friend, and through him, a deeper faith going well beyond mere church attendance, and the tools to host Bible study groups and better share my faith with others. Although I had never heard of The Navigators before I met Fred at that first dinner, I have had the good fortune to get to know and support other Navigators since that divine appointment. May God continue to bless the ministries of all The Navigators!”
“I enjoy giving to established nonprofits, like The Navigators, where they have an established ministry with people and programs in place to make a difference in the world.”
Becoming a member of our legacy society
Together we can do so much. Join a community of people who share your passion for advancing the Gospel of Jesus and His kingdom by becoming a member of our legacy society, The Trotman Fellowship.