Three Times the Blessing
Dot and Sam Carswell met Nav Staff, Bruce and Marg Van Wyk more than 25 years ago. Through the years, the Carswells generously supported the Van Wyk’s ministry, and become dear friends. Dot continued their partnership with the Van Wyks after Sam’s passing, and last spring called The Navigators inquiring about how to leave a bequest in her will for Bruce and Marg. When Dot contacted the Van Wyks to share they were included in her will, she learned they needed funds to accept an invitation from the Africa Navs. They would be making regular trips to Africa to coach and encourage the Nav teams. Blending the two issues, Dot decided to make the planned future bequest immediately by donating appreciated stock. Dot says she was blessed thrice: the joy of giving, no capital gains tax, and 100% charitable deduction the year of the gift. To God be the Glory.